Saturday 7 December 2013

365 Challenge - day 365

End of a journey .... 365 days of trying to get at least something to snapshot and preferable not the same spot for 365 days. Was hard, was fun, was interesting, and most of all I have learned something and I am proud to get to an end. 365 days with important events in my life like a Bachelor thesis, project and exam, admission for a masters degree and other small events of life. 365 days where I still managed to get different images, some awesome, some good, some bad and mostly snapshots .... but yeah ... checked on my bucket list.
Next one will be done like most of the artists are doing, with 365 best of photos taken in the last 10 years .... nothing worked daily. My own personal project and goal has reached an end now but this won't mean that I will stay away from the camera.

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