Wednesday 7 August 2013

365 Challenge - day 318

Delicious Champignons (Agaricus) filled with butter, garlic and gouda cheese.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

365 Challenge - day 317

Our beautiful tree, now used as a bench

Monday 5 August 2013

365 Challenge - day 316

During my evening walk I adventured myself a bit deeper in the forest, leaving the usual paths and at one moment I almost stepped on two baby squirrels, actually I am still not sure if I  stepped or not. They were very well camouflaged between the leafs. I heard just something and I was .. oh shit, what is this ... two small brown things. At the beginning I thought they are dead but I noticed moving their eyes, covered with ugly big green flies.

My dog came quickly to asses the problem, good thing one was moving, the other one was still playing dead or close to ... at least he was  cleaned by my dog and got a moment without flies

I was still thinking about what to do with those two baby squirrels, but as my dog started to look at trees I presumed that maybe is a mama squirrel too in the neighborhood and maybe is better to leave them off, but as I was leaving I was thinking if it was the good decision, night is coming and  the forest is full of owls, foxes and small eagles and they are a sitting duck. Also I was wondering why they didn't run? And my experience with rodents is not very large so if I took them, what I had to feed them? 

Hopefully the little ones will make it through the night and through the life but tomorrow morning I will go there to see if they are there, and if I find them in the same spot and alive probably I will have to figure a way to take them at a veterinary or something like this. I don't like to take animals from their environment just because I think is better, but somehow now I think about my principles that the life in the wild should take it's course and only the strongest may survive .... sounds a bit heartless when I think about those small fur-balls

365 Challenge - day 315

Party? For sure not! Chatting yes!

365 Challenge - day 314

Dreaming to jump in the first train and go home for a week or so, having enough of being among foreigners and strangers for 3 years, maybe is a bit of home sick.

365 Challenge - day 313

Being at an "modern art exhibition", UMWURF by Nicholas Joschko

The interview is coming soon ;)

365 Challenge - day 312

Nothing special, I just liked the geometry

365 Challenge - day 311

Making a ghetto corner to look cozy  

365 Challenge - day 310

Applying for the master's degree study

365 Challenge - day 309

Things are moving again, very fast, or I am too slow for them

Sunday 4 August 2013

365 Challenge - day 308

Last day of holidays, a nice sky and a nice surprise from mother nature. I will take it as a good sign.

365 Challenge - day 307

Happy days, image taken by nightwing-photography. Yes I know I was lazy. I will make it up :D

365 Challenge - day 306

Remembering 3 years of study. Photo taken by nightwing-photography

365 Challenge - day 305

Another perfect day, swimming, admiring nature and being with my loved one. What can I wish for more, except winning the lottery!?!?

365 Challenge - day 304

Another photo by nightwing-photography

365 Challenge - day 303

Again on the airfield

365 Challenge - day 302

Cheating a bit, this image was taken by nightwing-photography, I was too lazy to take my camera

365 Challenge - day 301

Magic forest and magic days.

365 Challenge - day 300

Graduation day! Bachelor ball, photos, being congratulated by the dean and all the formal things

365 Challenge - day 299

Finally, holiday! 

365 Challenge - day 298

Traffic jam on highway

365 Challenge - day 297

time to relax, all is finished, now planning for future

365 Challenge - day 296

Hmm barbwire ...  

365 Challenge - day 295

Walking in forest, hiding in bushes, hunting whatever it moves down there, being a dog!

365 Challenge - day 294

Waiting some good news, still waiting ...

365 Challenge - day 293

365 Challenge - day 292

Can I have this lens? Oh please, pretty please.

365 Challenge - day 291

No, is not a hipster convention! Just a bunch of 3D glasses in a research lab.

365 Challenge - day 290

hmm, the artist wanted to transmit ....

365 Challenge - day 289

365 Challenge - day 288

And we say that we evolved! Yeah, right! At least I don't pretend to be evolved and still eat like a barbarian.

365 Challenge - day 287

Buy me a beer!

365 Challenge - day 286

Every town has them and they appear in large numbers at festivals. Their ancestors must be proud of them, NOT!

365 Challenge - day 285

Another year, another Heinerfest in Darmstadt

365 Challenge - day 284

A good meal after giving blood for some tests, I felt the need to swim in meat protein, carbohydrates and fat! Yep, for sure I am a barbarian, bring me that ox, I want it here on the fire! 

365 Challenge - day 283

365 Challenge - day 282

wild beast

365 Challenge - day 281

More than a macro, and a superb lens.

365 Challenge - day 280

Germans feel the need to be prepared fort the worse at every small event

365 Challenge - day 279

Phone booths are coming in different shapes, sizes and colors. This one is like one from UK, still not the same.

365 Challenge - day 278

I still wonder every time I see a love lock if that couple is still together, if they are happy or if they remember where they put this lock and other stupid questions. 

365 Challenge - day 277

At least he stays for portraits and does not ask money :P

365 Challenge - day 276

A very small mouse from the nearby forest exploring the concrete jungle.

365 Challenge - day 275

Fascination Airport. Feeling small and insignificant in a sea of lights.

365 Challenge - day 274

Hmm, perhaps one of my future styles in photography. Love it! Shapes, silhouettes, and still some color. 

365 Challenge - day 273

Nice drink! I still enjoy beer, call me a barbarian!

365 Challenge - day 272

Hassia's mineral water spring.

365 Challenge - day 271

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365 Challenge - day 270

A wall of flowers, I couldn't miss it!