Thursday 9 May 2013

365 Challenge - day 228

I always wanted to have one of these ... but having a small place to stay and neighbors makes things more complicated

365 Challenge - day 227

As long as is shiny and is some electronic whatever device it attracts my attention. Yes, I know what it is and for what is used ... but still I am fascinated, if I would have all the money in the world probably my house ( yes I will have a house too, not like now) will be full of electronics :) I will need a very patient wife to cope with my "oh, let me see what this thing can do!"

365 Challenge - day 226

After two years I still wonder what is with this stone in the forest, what is it's purpose and why?

365 Challenge - day 225

Some nice lens flares ...  get yourself a proper light source and you don't need to make them in photoshop :) the down side is that they tend to appear uninvited

365 Challenge - day 224

The same travel wish ... on my shopping list: something with wheels (not inline skates), a winning lottery ticket and I can do whatever I want wherever I want :D Maybe a bit selfish some can say but who cares, is  my shopping list! Still I wonder how much money I need to buy me some money!?!?

365 Challenge - day 223

Sometimes I wish to travel and to afford to go wherever I want whenever I want ... it's just some wishful thinking

365 Challenge - day 222

Work in progress for my project

365 Challenge - day 221

Wondering what is at the end of the stairs.

365 Challenge - day 220

Listening and hearing things I can't hear. Makes me wonder why we feel that we are the supreme beings when we hear so little, smell so little, see and feel so little.

365 Challenge - day 219

Nothing special, just a sign that out there is still spring,

365 Challenge - day 218

These birds are so annoying to photograph that even a snapshot is hard to take. One moment are here, next second are out of the frame.