Wednesday 31 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 39

When I don't look at the moon I always look up when I hear a plane or a helicopter, I just like them and every time I have the opportunity I look up to the sky to see them.
Another reason for taking this photo is that I'm looking forward for my trip to Bucharest.

Big bird passing by

Tuesday 30 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 38

Since I was a small kid I was attracted by the moon and its beauty. Every time I had an opportunity to use binoculars or other devices to look at it I was happy. Sometimes I was spending hours looking at it especially when I could see it in detail. Today I am still fascinated but I don't have the lens that can zoom so much.

Monday 29 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 37

The multitude of colors surrounding this light pole captured me so I said "why not?".

Sunday 28 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 36

Wandering again through the forest on a quite warm and sunny day for a late October.

Saturday 27 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 35

Almost a full moon and Halloween is close so everywhere in the city is a Halloween party which makes me kind of sick since is not in our culture, is not in our tradition is just a cheap import from US and UK. Yes, Halloween brought to you by media and industry just to buy more useless shit, like Valentine's Day and other crap ....and media tries to convince us to celebrate thanksgiving day too ...
Today I will just stay at home ignoring all the fuzz with Halloween, going grumpy and grinchy :D

Almost full moon, everywhere is a bloody Halloween party ... let's get creepy

Friday 26 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 34

What once was a student campus today is just a pile of dirt.

Once was a student campus, today is ...

Thursday 25 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 33

While I was walking I have see this, it was looking better than in the image ... but you can't have it all.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 32

Out of any ideas I decided to try the scanner, after all it is still some sort of image taking device. After seeing the results I think to use it more often as camera.

Today I can say I cheated, I didn't use my camera, I used my scanner :D

365 Challenge - day 31

My dog was chasing my camera and anyway I needed a picture for today ... problem solved.

Monday 22 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 30

Today is the end of the first month from my photographic journey so I decided to get a sunset as symbol. As the sunset can be an end but also a new beginning. I am satisfied that I could finish one month and I look forward for the following even if my free time is more than reduced and this personal quest or call it how you like takes time and is harder than I thought it would be. Sometime I get in a lack of inspiration or I know what I want but I don't have time to go there or the weather is so good that keeps me inside or just I don't get into the right mood.

One month done, 11 more to go!!!

Sunday 21 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 29

I decided to fill my free time making things with epoxy resin, acrylic paint and copper wire and why not take a picture of them before I forget them in a box.

Ugly faces in search of fridge doors!

365 Challenge - day 28

Just another dude high on alcohol early in the morning and he was like from another movie compared with the others.

Friday 19 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 27

Have you ever had the feeling that outside is the promised land and you wasted a entire day in a building? Well, it was one of those days! Outside was sunny and warm while inside was cold and full of fluorescent lights and when I got close to the exit I had the feeling that I will pass through the paradise gates.

That's how I usually see the exit - the light at the end of the tunnel 

Thursday 18 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 26

Another day another play, nothing special just that I didn't had a tripod so I had to play with the settings and increase the ISO value and add a bit of exposure compensation and Photoshop, that's how I managed to get this grain. Taking into account that my Canon S2IS has only 5MP and a maximum ISO value of 400, I can say I am satisfied with the result.

Hello monochromatic images and film grain!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 25

Some young girls were chilling after a shopping session and since they decided to sit right in front of my lens while I was trying to get the settings for this image ... they won a place in it.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 24

Today I just played in Photoshop with one of my targets and I can just say that "Doesn't matter, is dead already!".

Good cover image for my 9mm Kreativbude
Since we started to do target practice with our Art Directors, Creative Directors and other Directors .... we have none. Now we can be creative!

Monday 15 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 23

Selective color here I am! Black and white is too plain, color is too common but this makes the phone booth to stand out.

Sunday 14 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 22

Today I took a visit in Frankfurt Sachsenhausen, the "party area" of Frankfurt, where you can find pub near pub. In the afternoon is crowded and in weekend during the night is over populated but during the day the streets are empty and the pubs are closed looks like a deserted area.

This is how it looks in Frankfurt Sachsenhausen during the day ... deserted 

Saturday 13 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 21

Today I was at a sharpshooting contest with German's army reservists. They are of all ages and is nice to see a former sniper, now at the age of 70 something still getting 100 points out of 100 like the young ones, even if when you see him you wonder if he can even hold the gun.
All in all it was a very nice day with nice people and nice army humor.

The shiny ones!

Friday 12 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 20

Another "beautiful sunny day", with a magnificent view over Frankfurt skyline. Probably the guys from the last floors can't see the city either.

Thursday 11 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 19

A bit of black and white, a bit of rain, a bit foggy and a bit cold ... the perfect ingredients for a low mood and a image that tries to transmit all these feelings.

One of those days when you just don't see clear 

Wednesday 10 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 18

Another example of "new meets old" and old reflected into new.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 17

Walking my dog has many advantages, beside health advantages I can take pictures, I know all the paths by heart, I can walk in the forest during the night without any light so I don't find it spectacular, maybe I take it for granted sometimes. Today I had the feeling that the light was interesting and with a bit of overexposure can look quite interesting.

My morning walks.

Monday 8 October 2012

HDR style photos

Until today I was looking HDR photography as something special and kind of "WOW!!!", just until today! I tried it to see how it works, the only thing is to look around, imagine how it would look HDR style, and if you like it take the shots and .... let the software do the work. No rocket science behind HDR photos, just software, a bit disappointed I haven't tried until today, but now I know my second favorite (after black & white).
Below you can see two examples

365 Challenge - day 16

My camera can use bracketing so I decided to try the new hip called HDR ... nice result but still looks like someone dropped the paint bucket, a bit of fantasy look but too much colors for my taste.

Continuing the fairy tale series of images with a bit of HDR look

Sunday 7 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 15

Today I visited one of my favorite places deep inside the forest and the sun decided to shine for few minutes. For that short period of time it was looking like from a fairy tale. Well, the elves were missing but for sure some dwarfs were in the area and one hawk was in the air announcing his presence.

Saturday 6 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 14

Today was full with programming and I was surrounded by electronic parts so I decided to keep them as a memory since they kept me busy the whole day.

I had a geek day

Friday 5 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 13

Today is raining and the wind enters through your clothes, this guy was struggling to hold his umbrella, if you ask me was pointless. Ok, his head was dry, big achievement! 

Give me a bit of rain and a bit of wind! 
I have my umbrella and I am not afraid to use it!

Thursday 4 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 12

Still black and white mood while having fun with my homies.

Model of the day

Wednesday 3 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 11

I always considered that black and white images are saying more than a color one when comes to emotions. And what can be better than a black and white image when you are at night, on a empty street?

Tuesday 2 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 10

Again a "shoot and run", looks like is my favorite when I have no Idea where to go or what to do.

Nothing special today, just a childish play with camera

Monday 1 October 2012

365 Challenge - day 9

Again in a black and white mood I stumbled over this deserted small playground. Obviously somebody was there if I look at the sand but now was empty so I took a empty, lonely feeling image.